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Offering access to all of the FTA satellite channels from Astra 1 and the Hotbird satellites

  •  12-13-2012, 11:01 PM

    Offering access to all of the FTA satellite channels from Astra 1 and the Hotbird satellites

    Hello there

    As subject states I currently have the oppotunity to offer you a rental based access to all of the fta-channels from the astra and hotbird sattelites. Channels include alot of german ones like rtl, pr7, das Erste, ZDF, and more. Also alot of italian and polish, arabic, and a few frensh and spanish are availible. If disired I can offer access to encrypted version of italian public service stations also.
    No HD yet I'm afraid.
    Slingbox pro hd and 40 mbps upstream.

    Please let me know if you are intreested.

    Also please note, I dont have a comprihensive list of all channels availible but lists can be found here:
    Have a look at free tv, and astra and hotbird satellites.
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