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New Guy

  •  02-21-2012, 1:26 PM

    New Guy


    It’s regarding building own IPTV Server and retransmit

    Last time when I was in China I saw some of my friends (not Chinese) had a type of IPTV box, which you just connect with the Internet and you can watch some outside country channels which are banned there or hard to subscribe. Also, it has VOD function which was quite impressive (in fact VOD was the main reason to buy that box for few people).

    I’m very much curious about to know how this box works. I assumed in this way:

    The provider receives these channels through the satellite at one place; make the complete package of channels. He must have to compress the video format to make smooth streaming at client side. His box had his own software which was even showing his contact info for help and support. For VOD he must be using some kind of server to store data, that’s simple and can be, accessed through the box interface OS.

    And I think it’s not legal to retransmit these channels. But how about the VOD?

    OK, I could be wrong; I don’t have any idea about the functionality of this box. But I’ve few questions about this, if someone can help:

    1. What’s the exact functionality of this box? How it works?
    2. Is there any Satellite Hosting Service Provider in USA or in Asia which can receive channels for you/your company, then you can distribute your boxes to end users? Legal or illegal, is there any solution provider?
    3. Is it possible to start this kind of service at small scale with improved box (may be with more features like weather, to do’s etc.)
    4. More improved VOD function (basically the improved version of the OS can use Android platform)
    5. Improved wireless box, can also stream from your network NAS device, USB, Media Cards
    6. With HDD so can record the favorite programs
    7. What equipments to be used?
    8. Estimated cost of this setup?

    Any help will be really appreciated.

    Thanks in advance
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