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2 Dallas Texas Slingboxes for Rent on TimeWarner Cable with 15/7 Fios.

  •  04-25-2011, 7:28 AM

    2 Dallas Texas Slingboxes for Rent on TimeWarner Cable with 15/7 Fios.

    Hi I'm an american from Dallas Texas living in the UK, i've recently been fortunate enough to come into possession of 2 extra slingboxes and wondered if any other americans outside the US would like to be able to watch local Dallas TV channels for $50 a month via paypal subscription. The channels are what i believe is extended basic cable. no DVR no HBO SHOWTIME OR CINEMAX etc. but does get ESPN and FOX SPORTS SW. I primarily use my slingbox for Cowboys Stars Mavs Rangers games and never miss a one. I'm not a company etc i'm just a regular guy wanting to help some others out and could use the help myself as these rentals will help me get home once a year to see my parents.

    if interested send me an email.
    I plan to have the other 2 boxes setup and working by May 9th.

    I'll be happy to allow you to preview my personal slingbox to check it out if you like.

    I wont expect a contract, just tell me if you want or need to stop the rental before the end of the month and its done.

    Thanks for looking

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