When you deal with illegal operators they promise you the world and for a short period of time might even deliver it. Unfortunelty, they then stop operating and as a subscriber you are now addicted to something you shouldnt have had in the first place... Trust us we do understand... Our parent company operates Pro7 in Canada and 12 other language channels... Its pretty frustrating for us when we cant deliver these serives to the viewers, and some guys who doesn't care about copyrights or any other broadcast law manages to get the best channels from Germany or any other country out thier... Every channels we deliver to our viewers we have signed distribution agreements with... We know for a fact that OverseaTV didnt have any distribution rights for any of the German channels they were offering... We have a copy of the letter we recieved from Germany and will post it here so that you can finally understand what they were up to... BTW, HAPPY NEW YEAR.