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We just got Bell Fibe TV in Toronto, CANADA and it's not what it seems.

  •  11-27-2010, 11:09 AM

    We just got Bell Fibe TV in Toronto, CANADA and it's not what it seems.

    We just got Bell Fibe TV installed on November 5/2010 and it's been nothing but problems since day one. It wasn't even the installation that was my biggest beef it was the sales job to start with. They deceived us from the start they told us we could record four shows at once, that was a deception, they left out a small detail that you can only record two HD channels and the other two must be standard TV.
    They told us they have "pause live TV" and yes they do but it only applies to one box, the other box is the main box which records everything, and only the main box has pause live TV, deception.
    In the preview Bell Fibe TV held in our buildings lobby they had on the display TV, a channel we like a great deal, HD Net which plays one of my all-time favorite series, Prison Break and I asked if they carried that channel and was told "yes" by the sales staff. I probed a little further and was not getting an answer to my question, "what package is it in?" well it should have been a red flag since they couldn't or didn't want to answer my question. Not only deception, but a lie, because Bell Fibe TV does not carry HD Net channel. Huh ....

    Anyway, I signed up and then the problems started.
    Now this was Nov 5th and it's Nov 26th now, and right from the beginning the signal was kinda scratchy with heavy pixillating and sound cutting out. I called and they said this can be fixed, well it's still bad. They actually came by yesterday and tried to fix the proble after waiting almost a month.
    After the techie guy left the pixillating was even worser.

    And it just goes on and on .. I'll be back with updates but I am not impressed and didn't they work out these bugs during the trial period?

    Get my whole take on this HERE on my WordPress BLOG.

    Daniel .. Toronto, CANADA
    My take on everything

    Daniel .. Toronto, CANADA
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