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Cool stuff happening at ITVFEST next week

  •  07-18-2007, 5:26 AM

    Cool stuff happening at ITVFEST next week

    We've got some really cool things going on, here's a list of some of the best ...

    The festival itself begins on Friday the 27th and continues through Sunday the 29th.
    On the 27th we have special screenings and Q&A's with Comedy Central's 'American Body Shop' and a new documentary from
    Christina Fulerton and Nicolas Cage.

    In addition to the screenings of 26 independently produced pilots,
    we have panels and special screenings happening all day on both the
    28th and 29th.
    Some of those highlights include:

    - A special screening of Jake Kasdan's film, "The TV Set." After the
    screeing Jake will be on hand to discuss the process and inspiration
    for the film.

    - A writers panel including writers: Mike Scully (Simpson's), Ellen
    Sandler (Everybody Loves Raymond), Peter Blake (House), Mark Goffman
    (West Wing & Studio 60), Dan Sterling (Daily Show & The Sarah
    Silverman Program) and Andy Richter.

    -A Pitch and Development Panel with development execs from: ABC,
    Broadway Video, FOX, GSN, Benderspink and Production Partners.

    -A pitch pit and Panel discussion with Current TV.

    -A discussion with 'Clone High' creators, Phil Lord and Chris Miller
    (How I Met Your Mother) about their show was created, sold, made and
    unfortunately cancelled.

    -A special screening of GSN's new show, 'Without Prejudice.'


    - A block of 'Shelved Pilots.' Pilots that were made but never made
    it to air (including Lonely Island's "Awesometown")

    So there are a few of the highlights. You can take a gander at the website at www.itvfest.org for a complete schedule and tickets. Really hope to see you there.
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