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Re: Why do we need the MSO's?

  •  09-25-2006, 10:28 AM

    Re: Why do we need the MSO's?

    With the realization of IPTV, any content creator can deliver media directly to their audience via the web. What value do the cable providers and telcos provide? Particularly if everything is on demand? I can browse a site and download the content or even subscribe to a feed through software such as iTunes or Democracy (for Mac). I know people like to surf TV channels, but despite this preference I see On Demand as the way things will evolve. It'll be like Tivo, but nothing has to be stored locally. I'd prefer to go directly to the content creators and pay them for the content. Am I in the minority?

    Delivery of decent video over the web is not feasible usually - Quality of Service issues.

    Most MSO's are offering video over private networks with some level of service guarantee. You don't need *lots* of bandwidth, just consistent bandwidth, which is precisely what most ISPs do *not* give you.

    And then what client do you use? A PC? How do you secure that? Well, there is one way, but only one company has got round the frame-grabber problem. And what about all the people who don't want to watch TV on their computer. Me included?

    They want a STB, plugged into their large TV, in front of the comfy chairs.

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