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Re: Which Interactive IPTV features would you be interested in?

  •  09-25-2006, 10:11 AM

    Re: Which Interactive IPTV features would you be interested in?


    "The Accedo Application Portfolio is presently the largest available collection of interactive value-added services such as games, karaoke on demand, weather, puzzles, horoscope, comics, quizzes and PlasmaArt for IPTV."


    Realistically, the vast, vast majority of times that people turn on their TV, they don't want to play games or do PlasmaArt(tm) - they want to watch TV.

    The interactive features that I would want are pretty much all PVR based:

    Good search capabilities on Title/Genre etc.

    Intelligent auto-recording based on viewing preferences

    Pretty much all the stuff that TiVO has....

    As for the other stuff...Games? Not really - I have a xbox/PS3/PC for that - and your average gamer wants to push the hardware. Quizzes? Possibly. Horoscopes...Possibly. All of these things will be niche at best.

    An SMS gateway - now there's a thought!


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