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Re: What's Up with the lousy service now being provided by NexTV

  •  07-09-2008, 3:21 PM

    Re: What's Up with the lousy service now being provided by NexTV

    Hi Everybody,

    This is Kaaveh Shoman again, (Director of Marketing for NexTV).  Firstly, regarding our website: getnextv.com, we are still working on it, and it is almost complete.  The initial time line I estimated was obviously wrong, and after further assessment it will take some time longer.  We are 70% complete.  However, as you all know our website is a secondary priority, but the quality of the picture and our set-top boxes come first.  Therefore, we have been continuously testing and upgrading our technology to better serve all of you.  My colleagues and I, are happy with the present situation and are excited about the future of this company.  Our company was founded via the linear Digital Cable platform.  We proved we can deliver a successful product/service.  IPTV is a newer platform for everybody including the larger companies, and I feel we are doing everything in our capable power to surmount any obstacles.  I am more than happy to speak to anyone directly to provide further details. 


    Kaaveh Shoman


    Mobile: 416.902.3631

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