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Re: What's Up with the lousy service now being provided by NexTV

  •  05-28-2008, 1:36 PM

    Re: What's Up with the lousy service now being provided by NexTV

    Hi Newb7,

    Regarding the website, you have a right to be skeptical, however, I am now personally in charge of ensuring the website being updated.  Therefore, within the two weeks I mentioned, I will push my designers to ensure it will be complete.  Just know that we also love to hear your suggestions of what you would like in the website. We are going to include a forum. But anything else, please inform me. 

    As we are a growing company, our customer service is improving alongside us.  However, I stand behind our customer service 100%, seeing/hearing them work on a daily basis.  They truly care/value our current and potential subscribers. 

    I do not know when we will be launching new packages other than the ones we have.  I will post an update when there is one. 

    I will try to check this forum at least twice per week. 

    Thank you for your post.

    Kaaveh Shoman

    Director of Marketing and Communications




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