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Sony DMX-NV1 Video Link -- trouble programming PC for "Send from PC to TV" feature.

Last post 06-26-2008, 1:07 PM by T3M30. 1 replies.
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  •  06-23-2008, 1:39 PM 1149

    Sony DMX-NV1 Video Link -- trouble programming PC for "Send from PC to TV" feature.

    I purchased a Sony DMX-NV1, an excellent accessory for internet reception directly into the tv, without having the computer in the loop, but it is limited to what is available via Sony's programming. If I want to watch something via my PC, the DMX-NV1 has a "Send from PC to TV" feature, which backfeeds the signal, via my wired router to the tv. (Remember the router is carrying data both ways on the PC port.)

    The Sony-supplied instructions with respect to the PC setup are sketchy, they speak of "XAMPP" and some other programs I need -- the ReadMe speaks in terms I don't understand, or assumes that steps omitted are "known by everybody"?!
  •  06-26-2008, 1:07 PM 1161 in reply to 1149

    Re: Sony DMX-NV1 Video Link -- trouble programming PC for "Send from PC to TV" feature.

    My thoughts are unclear because I don't know exactly what the DMX-NV1 is capable of! I think the computer must "convert" the video into something the the DMX-NV1 understands? Or my computer then acts like a "server" for my tv? Also, I'm told that some tv station websites use their own media player, but other sites require the media player in my computer? I've been able to watch material from the "Adobe" media player on the computer, (it does not tell me what the source is), but I can't get DMX-NV1 to recognize the data. Again, the sketchy instructions furnished by Sony speak of the "XAMPP" program, which is where I get the "server" notion. I have no programming and/or setup options on the DMX, other than to have enabled the "pc to tv" -- which has been done.
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