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Searching for image recognition software

Last post 03-31-2015, 4:01 PM by jandelul. 0 replies.
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  •  03-31-2015, 4:01 PM 10933

    Searching for image recognition software

    Hi guys,

    I'm searching for somebody that can help me to recognize moving patterns on a live stream.

    so basicly: there is a channel X  showing movie, every 2-3 hours provider shows my customer number on the screen. this number is 8 digits, and it's not standing still, it can appear on diferent locations everytime, and also sometimes it moves, so when apears in middle, it moves to left or down etc...  so it's an moving pattern that I want to make unvisible or make a blure effect over it sothat my customer number will not show. The number stays for 5-6 seconds then it disappears.
    I dont want anybody from the group to know my customer number.

    I'm not asking for free, I'm willing to pay for this soft / service.

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