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Slingbox - Disruptive Technology?

Last post 10-28-2005, 6:06 PM by Anonymous. 0 replies.
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  •  10-28-2005, 6:06 PM 44

    Slingbox - Disruptive Technology?

    Thread Status:

    "I hear warnings about the Napsterization of cable all the time. The doomsayers caution that MSOs and programmers need to figure out how to make money from peer-to-peer video file sharing, or they risk the same fate as the music industry, which has lost billions from illegal downloads on websites like napster.com."

    "Right now, cable operators aren't sure whether Slingbox is a friend or foe. It could be a foe because it's literally taking the cable operator's signal. In theory, snowbirds who head to Florida wouldn't have to set up a new cable connection--they'll simply watch cable from their main homes via their PCs."


    Do the cable companies have any ground to stand on in a legal battle against the Slingbox?


    • Post Points: 5
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