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What are the "encoders" and the differences of them?

Last post 01-15-2007, 10:25 AM by PicoBico. 0 replies.
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  •  01-15-2007, 10:25 AM 313

    What are the "encoders" and the differences of them?

    I'm trying to learn about IPTV and I see talk about "encoders" everywhere.  There's the Windows encoders and MPEG-2 and MPEG 4 (I see MPEG-4 has 2 or more versions as well.

    Now, I know that obviously it seems MPEG-4 is better quality than Windows Media, but Windows Media has a higher compression, and uses less bandwidth.

    My main confusion is this............if a company goes with Windows Media,  can they possibly match the quality (even if bumping up bandwidth) of a video encoded with MPEG-2?

    I guess I'm just unclear or confused since I've read that even Windows Media can produce HD video resolutions and even uses much less bandwidth.  My only thought is that it just doesnt look as good as MPEG-2 but again, I'm very confused.

    Can anyone help me understand this and/or provide links that can direct me?



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